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New perspectives, new life – A journey to the inner essence

5 June 2022 10:00 - 18:30

72 USD
event in Dahab Egipt

I invite you to the family constellation workshop – New perspectives, new life – The journey to the inner essence.
I invite you to open yourself without expectations and to permit the free flow of love again. To step with curiosity and openness to new perspectives, to a new life.
My invitation is to contemplate the questions – What is your inner vision? What keeps you from being who you really are?


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By participating in this workshop you can reach:

  • discovering the root causes of specific problems that people face so that they can be seen and healed consciously
  • breaking patterns that block you from having a healthy and fulfilling life
  • gaining new perspectives to move forward and make significant changes in life
  • involvement in a process of connection with consciousness that is beyond the ordinary
  • it builds healthy relationships with your partner, family members, friends and co-workers
  • peace with divorce, separation, miscarriage, abortion, death, adoption, secrecy
  • upon release from the impact of death
  • in understanding the causes of disease
  • understanding career and financial issues
  • to find the place in life, more grounded and welcome on this earth


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Facilitator: Ana Daniela Tănăsuc
Ana is born and living in Romania.
Facilitator of systemic constellations, holistic counseling. “I am passionate about the simplicity and depth of working with systemic constellations, the subtle approach and the way the client is empowered.
The systemic constellations are about love-healthy love, recognizing, accepting and taking responsibility, about releasing and re-establishing our family’s emotional bonds so that love can flow again.”

When: 5 June 2022 - 2022 in Dahab, Egypt
Contribution: 72 USD

If you need more details, you can contact Mioara -01067362284

During the 1 day we will work about 5 constellations.
The workshop will be in Romanian with translation in English.
No prior training is required to participate in this workshop.

Note: Everyone who joins will have the healing experience offered by this container and will step into the field several times during the meeting. You can enter the process either as a representative and / or by working your own constellation, or observer. However, please note that not every participant may be a client for a personal constellation. This is the nature of the activity of the systemic constellations. But attending such a workshop gives you exactly what you need at the moment. It is a process whether you are working on your own constellation or you are a representative in the constellations. The good news is that this container that is created in this process is of such a nature that all participants will be supported and will receive attention for their intentions, regardless of the roles in which they engage.

Always in the service of reconciliation, systemic constellations help to reconnect with inner wisdom, to connect with others, and to increase compassion. The constellations bring clarifications to the dynamics of the context, to the understanding of the connections in life and to the placement in a place of inner strength.

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    5 June 2022
    10:00 - 18:30
    72 USD
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